Spanish term | English term |
Agencia Tributaria | Tax Agency / Inland Revenue / Internal Revenue Service |
Apostilla de la Haya | The Hague apostille |
CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) | Tax Identification Code (TIN in United States) |
Certificado | Certificate |
Convenio | Labour agreement (wage or collective agreement) |
Fecha de constitución | Date of incorporation |
Filial | Branch / Subsidiary company / Local branch |
NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) | Foreigner Identification Number |
NIF | Tax Identification Number |
Notario | Notary |
Obligado tributario | Tax payer |
Oficina de representación | Permanent establishment |
Persona física | Natural person |
Persona jurídica o persona moral | Legal entity person or juridical person |
Registro mercantil | Commercial register / Public registry of commerce / Business register |
Sociedad anónima (SA) | Corporation |
Sociedad limitada (SL) | Limited liability company |
Sociedad limitada unipersonal (SLU) | Limited Liability Entrepreneur |
Sucursal | Branch / subsidiary |
Traducción jurada (traductor jurado) | Sworn translation ( by a certified translator) |

10 tips for setting up a company in Barcelona with Legal Advisory
Barcelona, a vibrant hub for business and innovation, is an attractive city for entrepreneurs worldwide. If you’re planning setting up a company in Barcelona, here are ten essential tips to...
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