Translation guide on terms related to open a business in Spain

Spanish termEnglish term
Agencia TributariaTax Agency / Inland Revenue / Internal Revenue Service
Apostilla de la HayaThe Hague apostille
CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal) Tax Identification Code (TIN in United States)
ConvenioLabour agreement (wage or collective agreement)
Fecha de constituciónDate of incorporation
FilialBranch / Subsidiary company / Local branch
NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero)Foreigner Identification Number
NIFTax Identification Number
Obligado tributarioTax payer
Oficina de representaciónPermanent establishment
Persona físicaNatural person
Persona jurídica o persona moralLegal entity person or juridical person
Registro mercantilCommercial register / Public registry of commerce / Business register
Sociedad anónima (SA)Corporation
Sociedad limitada (SL)Limited liability company
Sociedad limitada unipersonal (SLU)Limited Liability Entrepreneur
SucursalBranch / subsidiary
Traducción jurada (traductor jurado)Sworn translation ( by a certified translator)

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